Pineapples are loaded with vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. It is also rich in fiber and calories. On top of it all, this fruit is low in fat and cholesterol. All the nutrients it contains promote good health. |
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Adjust your standards. Perfectionism is a major source of avoidable stress. Stop setting yourself up for failure by demanding perfection. Set reasonable standards for yourself and others, and learn to be okay with “good enough.” |
Accept Your Shortcomings:The people who are most equipped to move on in a productive manner are those who are able to see their own flaws. This is an excellent place to start strengthening your own personal effectiveness. |
Thursday, 7 November 2013
In our culture, we are often led to believe that anything can be achieved by hard work, and hard work only.
But we all know full well that we can’t keep performing at peak level. For a while, we may be able to cheat, push through, force ourselves to stay focused and get the job done. Eventually we get to the point where we are just too exhausted, drained, bored or uninspired to go any further. We seem unable to muster enough energy to get another project started. We stare at problems, puzzled, confused and unable to solve them. We procrastinate for no obvious reasons. We can’t see the proverbial forest for the trees. In this state of mind, the smartest thing to do is to press the pause button.
On the other hand, we have all encountered “eureka” moments, when the “penny dropped” and we finally – and
often unexpectedly – find the answers we were looking for. This can happen when we are not even actively engaged in our work and in the most unlikely places, like in the car, on a walk, in the gym, on the golf course or in the shower. I speak from experience. Like most writers, I regularly jump out of bed in the middle of the night to write down some thoughts that have eluded me for days. It seems that when we allow ourselves to relax and stop trying too hard, our mind keeps going at its own pace – and sometimes with astonishing results.
Forcing ourselves to keep going when we’re running on empty may be the worst thing
we can do – for our workand ourselves. Researchers in the relatively new field of “psychobiology” have shown that our mind follows a certain pattern of activity and rest throughout the day. In analogy to the more familiar “circadian rhythm” (the 24 hour cycle of night and day), they call these fluctuations of the mind “ultradian rhythms.” According to their findings, the mind does switch back and forth between periods of intense focusing and phases of recovery – not at the time of our choosing, but at its own volition. In other words, we are biologically programmed to take breaks and rest periods, whether we want to or not. Scientists believe that these downtimes are necessary to clean the body of metabolic waste and restore energy. Continuously and forcefully ignoring the need for rest and relaxation can lead to any number of negative consequences, such as chronic stress and many of the typicalstress-related health effects.
Scheduling regular breaks into your busy day
So, before you fill up your day planner and compile your to-do lists next time,
make sure you schedule your breaks as if they were appointments. Actually, they are appointments you make with yourself for the benefit of your health and well-being. Coffee breaks and little chats around the water cooler are fine, but I mean something more focused and purposeful. If your job requires you to spend hours on end in front of a computer monitor, your breaks should definitely involve some moving and stretching exercises. If you work mostly inside with no windows to open, you should go outside for a little sun and fresh air whenever you can get away. Your office building may or may not have a gym. If so, use it often! If not, take the stairs; walk around the premises or to a nearby park. Use your lunch break for walking, running, Yoga, Tai Chi or whatever takes your mind off work. Join your colleagues or invite them to team up with you. Many companies encourage and facilitate health and fitness programs for their employees. If not, come up with a proposal and talk to your personnel department.
Weekends are not meant to be work days at home. Do something specific on your days off,
instead of letting the time get away from you by doing a thousand little chores. Have a change of scenery. Go hiking or bicycling, walk on a beach, visit a museum, go dancing, go bowling, attend a county fair or music festival. Join a sports club. Make physical activities a regular family event or become part of a group that shares your interests.
When you are at work, don’t clutter your mind in ways that pull you in many different directions.
You may be proud of your multi-tasking skills but, in the long run, juggling too many projects at once is not a good way to spend your energy. Try to stay focused on one thing at a time, so your mind can fully function.
I wouldn’t be a dietitian if I didn’t have some advice to give about the food you should eat during your breaks.
Most of us think of caffeine and snacks when we are in need of a boost. My advice is to avoid caffeinated and sugary drinks as well as sweet, fatty and salty food items. Instead, I recommend fresh fruit and plenty of water for rehydration. In truth, you may crave something to drink or to munch on, not because you are hungry, but because you are bored or tired and in dire need of some rest. Your typical snack food may seem to hit the spot for a moment, but because it has little or no nutritional value, it doesn’t give you much energy and rather bogs you down with empty calories.
The best break of all, of course, is a good night’s rest.
Chronic sleep deprivation and disrupted sleep patterns are among the leading causes for stress. If you can’t get enough repose during the night, you can make up for it with an afternoon nap. If that is out of the question (as it is for most people), you must make more sleep time available on weekends or as soon as possible. Observing and maintaining good sleep hygiene is still the best medicine we have to recover from our daily challenges. Take a short walk. If you are at work, take a bathroom break or get a glass of water. Do something that changes your focus. When you come back to the problem, chances are it will not seem nearly as insurmountable. |
How well do you manage your time? Even if you do not believe in getting things Done, you probably have a schedule, calendar and a couple lists of things to do. If you are particularly busy you might own a day-planner where you schedule in tasks and work to be done.
Now here is a better question: how well do you manage your energy? If you answered, “Huh?” to that question, that is not a good sign. While there may only be twenty four hours in the day, your capacity for energy is not a fixed quantity. Organization and time-management play an important role, but it will be your ability to manage energy that makes the difference.
Athletes understand that effective training comes from a combination of exercise and rest. By getting better control over your own energy cycles and capacity you can do far more for your productivity than writing a to-do list will.
Increasing Your Capacity
How do you train for a marathon? You start by running 5 km, move up to a 10 km, then a half marathon. In other words, it’s a gradual increase of your endurance. Your energy functions exactly the same way. You build increased energy capacity slowly through progressive training.
Physical, mental, emotional, and social are all different dimensions of energy. For all of these dimensions you should strive for increasing your endurance and your strength. Endurance is the ability to maintain energy levels for longer periods of time and strength is your ability to sustain a short burst of energy. Marathons and sprints.
Managing That Capacity
Increasing your capacity for energy may take time and effort, but it is relatively straightforward. The real key to productivity is being able to manage the energy you already have. You probably know athletic jocks or creative artists that don’t seem to get a lot done. Having a large capacity for energy is good, but just like time, it is an easy thing to waste.
You manage your energy in cycles that vary between work and rest. Your energy is like a muscle. You stress your muscles during a workout, and follow it with a period of rest so they can recover. Working constantly and resting constantly are both suboptimal. Balancing the cycles is the core of managing energy.
Here are some ways you can manage your energy cycles:
Effective time-management doesn’t give you more time. You still end up with a 24 hour day. But effective energy-management can create more energy. Properly training your capacity and working within energy cycles will increase your energy. Use both time and energy management to achieve peak productivity.
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Practice Mindfulness: Heighten your awareness of the moment by focusing intently on an object. Notice a pencil’s shape, color, weight and feel. Or slowly savor a raisin or a piece of chocolate. Mindfulness leads to relaxation. |
Tuesday, 8 October 2013

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Please NOTE that you do not need to nominate more than once.
Thank you Readers, together we can achieve it.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
PMS,or premenstrual syndrome, is the name given to the physical and emotional changes a woman experiences
before and during her menstrual cycle. Although PMS symptoms differ from woman to woman and even from month to month,
common symptoms include bloating, headaches, cramps, body aches, depression, mood swings, breast swelling and tenderness,
food cravings, hot flashes, diarrhea, constipation, nausea and fatigue.
Want to get rid of these pesky PMS symptoms without resorting to medication?
As a woman who experiences PMS every month and you are looking for ways to relieve my symptoms without taking medications.
It is estimated that up to two-thirds of women experience PMS on a regular basis.
One-third of those women have PMS symptoms so serious they seek medical treatment.
Additionally, about eight percent of women have such severe PMS symptoms that they are impaired every month.
Banana is said to help in alleviation of problems associated with premenstrual symptoms.
Bananas are one of the most versatile and widely eaten fruits in the world. But what many
people do not know is that bananas are also rich in potassium, calcium, fiber, iron and Vitamins A, B and C.
They lower cholesterol, help upset stomachs, relieve headaches and fatigue. Bananas also alleviate bowel problems,
heart problems, anemia and blood pressure.
Bananas are anutritional superfood loaded with potassium, zinc, iron, folic acid, calcium, vitamin B6 and fiber. In fact, bananas have been called nature's perfect food. They may also be a perfect food for menstrual health. Bananas can help relieve digestive problems and PMS symptoms women may experience during their period. Bananas help replenish nutrients lost during menstruation and can help stop PMS related diarrhea in its tracks when eaten with other BRAT diet foods such as apples, rice and dry toast
Just as you plan your work, plan your time away from work. At day’s end, leave work behind you and focus on your plans for the evening. Work to live. Relaxation away from work means less stress… and a better day tomorrow! |
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Chinese man has new nose grown on his forehead after losing his nose in a car crash in 2012

A 22 year old Chinese man named Xiaolian has had a new nose grown on his forehead after loosing his original nose in a car accident. Xiaolian had the treatment to create a replacement for his original nose which was infected and deformed following the accident in 2012. He actually left his damaged nose unattended to after the accident which led to the infection and eventual deformity, leaving the surgeons unable to repair it.
Surgeons in China were left with no option than to create another nose for the man to breathe properly and then transplant it to the original place. The nose was created by placing a skin tissue expander onto Xiaolian’s forehead. This was cut into the shape of a nose and was supported by cartilage taken from the man’s ribs. Surgeons say that the nose has developed well and that the transplant surgery will be carried out soon.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Ekiti State Governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, has given N300m to 82 communities in the state to undertake various community projects under the Self-Help Programme of the state government.
The cheques were presented to the communities in Oye Ekiti at a ceremony attended by dignitaries including the Chairman of Action Congress of Nigeria, Chief Bisi Akande, a former governor, Niyi Adebayo, and Fayemi’s wife, Bisi.
He said the gesture was in fulfillment of the resolutions reached with community leaders in the state during the stakeholders’ meetings held last year.
He added that the self-help project was in line with the government’s commitment to bring development to the people. Fayemi, “As part of the efforts of the present administration to bring development to the rural communities where over 75 per cent of the populace reside, the Ministry of Rural Development and Community Empowerment was created in January 2013.
Unlike the previous administration, all the stakeholders in the state were fully involved in the preparation of the 2013 budget, and we have adopted the zero budgeting method as is currently being practised all over the world.
“The opinions of all the various strata/segments of the people in the state were sought before the 2013 budget was prepared using a dynamic bottom-up approach.”
Fayemi added that the government was revitalising cooperative development by entering into partnership with the Bank of Agriculture with a view to using the cooperative federalism model as an alternative vehicle to reaching grassroots communities and local socio-economic activities.
To this end, he said the state government would shore up the cooperative societies with N300m while the Bank of Agriculture would provide another N300m
It is a good supplement in diet of a diabetic patient because of its low sugar content.It is also good for weight control. Watermelon is rich in L-citrulline, an effective precursor of L-arginine. This study was conducted to determine whether dietary supplementation with watermelon pomace juice could ameliorate the metabolic syndrome in the Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rat, an animal model of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Nine-week-old ZDF rats were assigned randomly to receive drinking water containing 0% (control) or 0.2% L-arginine (as 0.24% L-arginine-HCl), 63% watermelon pomace juice, 0.01% lycopene, or 0.05% citrus pectin (n = 6 per treatment). At the end of the 4-wk supplementation period, blood samples, aortic rings, and hearts were obtained for biochemical and physiological analyses. Feed or energy intakes did not differ among the 5 groups of rats. However, dietary supplementation with watermelon pomace juice or L-arginine increased serum concentrations of arginine; reduced fat accretion; lowered serum concentrations of glucose, free fatty acids, homocysteine, and dimethylarginines; enhanced GTP cyclohydrolase-I activity and tetrahydrobiopterin concentrations in the heart; and improved acetylcholine-induced vascular relaxation. Compared with the control, dietary supplementation with lycopene or citrus pectin did not affect any measured parameter. These results provide the first evidence to our knowledge for a beneficial effect of watermelon pomace juice as a functional food for increasing arginine availability, reducing serum concentrations of cardiovascular risk factors, improving glycemic control, and ameliorating vascular dysfunction in obese animals with type-II diabetes. |
Say Cheese Smiling is a two-way mechanism. We do it when we’re relaxed and happy, but doing it can also make us feel relaxed and happy. |
PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS:Be on time for ALL your appointments. If you schedule a meeting, set a time to visit with a client, or tell a friend you'll meet them for a working breakfast you have to be there at the time you set or you will lose their respect. If your dispatcher tells a client the serviceman will be there at 1pm, make sure he is. It's just common courtesy, but it will really help your business. |

The 4-day siege at Westgate mall in Nairobi, Kenya is finally over. Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta addressed the nation a few hours ago, saying they have defeated the terrorists and arrested eleven of them. The president said three floors of the mall collapsed during clearing efforts and trapped some people. He said Kenyan forces killed 5 terrorists and are currently sweeping the mall for explosives. Mr Kenyatta said 61 civilians and 6 soldiers were killed in the deadly mall slaughter that started on Saturday, and carried out by Al Qaeda linked militant group, Al Shabaab. Almost 200 people were injured while 65 people are still unaccounted for. The Kenyan president said he can't confirm the nationality of the terrorist. He also declared three days of mourning.
4 YR OLD BOY CONFRONTS KENYAN GUNMAN 'you are a very wicked man he says

A four-year-old British boy caught up in the Kenya mall massacre showed astonishing bravery by confronting a marauding gunman who ended up begging for his forgiveness, UK Daily Mail reports.
Elliot Prior, from Windsor, Berkshire, told one of the terrorists that he was a 'very bad man' as he protected his mother, Amber, who had been shot in the leg, and six-year-old sister Amelie. Incredibly, the attacker took pity on the family and bizarrely handed the children Mars bars before telling them: 'Please forgive me, we are not monsters.'
His story emerged as sporadic gunfire continued to ring out from inside the mall early today as Kenyan security forces battled Al Qaeda-linked terrorists into a fourth day.
Despite Kenyan police assurances that they had taken control of the building, a security expert with contacts inside the mall said at least 10 hostages were still being held by a band of attackers, possibly as many as 13.
(Picture above) 4 year old Elliot and his sister Amelie hold Mars bars next to a dead body outside the Westgate mall after being given the chocolate by a gunman who spared their lives.

Kenya's foreign minister Amina Mohamed said 'two or three' Americans and one British woman were among those who attacked the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi.
His mother, Amber, told of her family’s terrifying escape from Al Shabaab terrorists who butchered 62 people in the Nairobi shopping centre.
The film producer had been queuing to buy milk in Nairobi's Westgate Shopping Centre when the militants struck.
She hid under a cold meat counter in the Nakumatt supermarket for an hour-and-a-half with her children beneath her before terrorists finally found them and shot her in the thigh.

Elliot's uncle, Alex Coutts, told The Sun: 'They had a lucky escape. The terrorists said if any of the kids were alive in the supermarket they could leave. 'Amber made the decision to stand up and say "yes".'
'Then Elliot started arguing with them and called them bad men. He was very brave.'
After discovering the advertising producer was of French origin, the men began to plead with her and claimed that the Muslim faith ‘was not a bad one’.‘He told me I had to change my religion to Islam and said “do you forgive us? Do you forgive us?’, the mother told The Independent.
‘Naturally, I was going to say whatever they wanted and they let us go’.
Bizarrely, the terrorists handed the children Mars bars before they fled with two other children, including a 12-year-old boy who had at first refused to leave his dead mother.
The fate of 20 others who had taken refuge under the meat counter is unknown.
The family’s escape is particularly astonishing in light of the indiscriminate slaughter of men, women and children throughout the mall after Al Shabaab launched their assault on Saturday.
Friday, 13 September 2013

One of Nigeria's top fashion designers, Chuks Collins is suffering from kidney failure. Chuks, who is only 29, had an accident sometime last year that wasn't properly treated. He injured his leg and head in the accident and unfortunately the tissues in his leg didn't heal properly which caused cellulitis. The cellulitis caused renal disease which affected his kidneys. Chuks has been going for dialysis since July this year. His doctors told him recently that the lifespan of the kidney functioning in his body is just two weeks. Chuks needs a kidney transplant ASAP and has decided to reach out to the public for help. He needs N8million. Please anything you can donate will be greatly appreciated.
His account details:
Chuks Collins - Zenith Bank - 2005872433. God bless
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Take a short walk. If you’re at work, take a bathroom break or get a glass of water. Do something that changes your focus. When you come back to the problem, chances are it won’t seem nearly as insurmountable. |

For almost three weeks after he was kidnapped, human rights lawyer & activist Mike Ozekhome (SAN) has reportedly been freed. He was freed at about 8am this morning by his kidnappers in Benin. Mr Ozekhome is said to be in the office of the State Security Service in Benin as of this morning.

President Jonathan didn't particularly give reasons for the mass sack that happened yesterday Anyway, see below the serving ministers deployed to oversee the activities of the ministries which lost their ministers .
Labaran Maku (Minister of Information) - Ministry of Defence
Nyesom Wike (Minister of State for Education) - Ministry of Education
Darius Ishaku (Minister of State for Niger Delta Development) - Ministry of Environment
Musa Sada (Minister of Solid Mineral Dev) - Ministry of Lands, Housing & Urban Development
Omobola Johnson ( Minister of Communication Technology) - Ministry of Science and Technology
Bashir Yuguda (Minister of state, Works) - Ministry of National Planning.
Akinwumi Adesina (Ministers of Agriculture) - Ministry of State for Agriculture
Chinedu Nebo (Minister of Power) - Ministry of Power for State
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Organise your office:Chances are you get a lot of paperwork. You might have files or bundles everywhere but are they really organised? Unless you can put your hand on things quickly and easily, chances are your office is not organised. Take the time to get your office organised. Better still delegate or give it to someone who will do it better like a PA or professional office organiser. |

Days after an Islamic group staged a protest against the organizers of the 2013 Miss World pageant, demanding that the pageant should not be held in Jakarta as it runs against their culture, the pageant organizers have been forced to move the final of the pageant to Bali - where they said today that it would be 'impossible' to stage the finale there, because of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, where world leaders and thousands of officials are expected to attend. The summit begins at the beginning of October while the pageant is scheduled to take place on September 28.
“I think people can appreciate how complex it would be to move everything to Bali. Just getting the venue and all the accommodation is impossible with APEC here" Nana Putra, executive director of organizer, told AFP.
The Miss World organizers have said they have no plans to cancel this year's event, vowing to petition Indonesian authorities to move the event back to Java. But also said they would use a back up venue in Indonesia if authorities don't change their mind.

There have been protests and serious tension in Warri, Delta state for some days for now after the Olu of Warri, Ogiame Atuwase II, announced the abolition of some of the ancient Itshekiri cultural practices. The Olu of Warri who is a born again Christian with a Foursquare Worship Centre in his palace, had last Wednesday September 4th declared in a document titled, “The New Order of Iwere Kingdom,” that the “Ogiame” title which had been in existence for over 500 years would no longer exist because it is purportedly associated to a river goddess. He now only wants to serve one God.
The Olu of Warri in the document, said:
“I also repent for the name and title of “Ogiame” that my ancestors and I have borne, as it connotes our allegiance to Umalokun (goddess of the river) and other deities of the sea, all of which are false gods. Today, I renounce our allegiance to Umalokun and other gods of the sea, land and sky. On behalf of the royal bloodline, the throne, the people of Iwere land, I publicly enter into a new covenant with God.”
Not only did the King renounce his traditional title of Ogiame, he also dissociated himself from some of the kingdom’s age-long traditional practices, which he described as paganism. This seeming born again position by the King has been seen to be an insult to the traditional history of the Itsekiris.
There are also indications that the King did not consult the Itsekiri Traditional Council of Chiefs and Ruling Houses before he took the decision. Now the people of Warri are asking him to either withdraw his statement or abdicate the throne.
Several people, including members of the royal family have tried to convince the Olu of Warri to change his mind on the matter, but the King has so far said there's no going back on his decision.
On Sunday 8th Sept, angry Itsekiri youths took to the streets in Warri to register their displeasure on the Olu's new belief. The protest could have turned bloody but for for the timely intervention of Governor Uduaghan, who is also an itsekiri. He appealed to the youths to stay calm, promising that the issue would be addressed.
No fewer than 5000 women are expected to embark on a protest today in Warri against the monarch.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Drink a glass of water before you start a meal. Water naturally needs some space so that you feel fuller without actually having to stuff yourself. Have another glass of water while you are having the meal. Again this is another way of making yourself full so that you can actually rise from the table eating less but feeling full just the same. Instead of drinking it in one gulp, take sips after each morsel. It will help the food to settle faster so that you get that feeling that you are full faster. |
Understand, that to feel frustration and anxiety only indicates your own humanity, and it's nothing to feel ashamed of. If you need help quickly get one from a professional or friend. Do not allow depression and frustration to take the most part of your day, do not forget also that time wasted is life wasted. |
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