Pineapples are loaded with vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. It is also rich in fiber and calories. On top of it all, this fruit is low in fat and cholesterol. All the nutrients it contains promote good health. |
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Adjust your standards. Perfectionism is a major source of avoidable stress. Stop setting yourself up for failure by demanding perfection. Set reasonable standards for yourself and others, and learn to be okay with “good enough.” |
Accept Your Shortcomings:The people who are most equipped to move on in a productive manner are those who are able to see their own flaws. This is an excellent place to start strengthening your own personal effectiveness. |
Thursday, 7 November 2013
In our culture, we are often led to believe that anything can be achieved by hard work, and hard work only.
But we all know full well that we can’t keep performing at peak level. For a while, we may be able to cheat, push through, force ourselves to stay focused and get the job done. Eventually we get to the point where we are just too exhausted, drained, bored or uninspired to go any further. We seem unable to muster enough energy to get another project started. We stare at problems, puzzled, confused and unable to solve them. We procrastinate for no obvious reasons. We can’t see the proverbial forest for the trees. In this state of mind, the smartest thing to do is to press the pause button.
On the other hand, we have all encountered “eureka” moments, when the “penny dropped” and we finally – and
often unexpectedly – find the answers we were looking for. This can happen when we are not even actively engaged in our work and in the most unlikely places, like in the car, on a walk, in the gym, on the golf course or in the shower. I speak from experience. Like most writers, I regularly jump out of bed in the middle of the night to write down some thoughts that have eluded me for days. It seems that when we allow ourselves to relax and stop trying too hard, our mind keeps going at its own pace – and sometimes with astonishing results.
Forcing ourselves to keep going when we’re running on empty may be the worst thing
we can do – for our workand ourselves. Researchers in the relatively new field of “psychobiology” have shown that our mind follows a certain pattern of activity and rest throughout the day. In analogy to the more familiar “circadian rhythm” (the 24 hour cycle of night and day), they call these fluctuations of the mind “ultradian rhythms.” According to their findings, the mind does switch back and forth between periods of intense focusing and phases of recovery – not at the time of our choosing, but at its own volition. In other words, we are biologically programmed to take breaks and rest periods, whether we want to or not. Scientists believe that these downtimes are necessary to clean the body of metabolic waste and restore energy. Continuously and forcefully ignoring the need for rest and relaxation can lead to any number of negative consequences, such as chronic stress and many of the typicalstress-related health effects.
Scheduling regular breaks into your busy day
So, before you fill up your day planner and compile your to-do lists next time,
make sure you schedule your breaks as if they were appointments. Actually, they are appointments you make with yourself for the benefit of your health and well-being. Coffee breaks and little chats around the water cooler are fine, but I mean something more focused and purposeful. If your job requires you to spend hours on end in front of a computer monitor, your breaks should definitely involve some moving and stretching exercises. If you work mostly inside with no windows to open, you should go outside for a little sun and fresh air whenever you can get away. Your office building may or may not have a gym. If so, use it often! If not, take the stairs; walk around the premises or to a nearby park. Use your lunch break for walking, running, Yoga, Tai Chi or whatever takes your mind off work. Join your colleagues or invite them to team up with you. Many companies encourage and facilitate health and fitness programs for their employees. If not, come up with a proposal and talk to your personnel department.
Weekends are not meant to be work days at home. Do something specific on your days off,
instead of letting the time get away from you by doing a thousand little chores. Have a change of scenery. Go hiking or bicycling, walk on a beach, visit a museum, go dancing, go bowling, attend a county fair or music festival. Join a sports club. Make physical activities a regular family event or become part of a group that shares your interests.
When you are at work, don’t clutter your mind in ways that pull you in many different directions.
You may be proud of your multi-tasking skills but, in the long run, juggling too many projects at once is not a good way to spend your energy. Try to stay focused on one thing at a time, so your mind can fully function.
I wouldn’t be a dietitian if I didn’t have some advice to give about the food you should eat during your breaks.
Most of us think of caffeine and snacks when we are in need of a boost. My advice is to avoid caffeinated and sugary drinks as well as sweet, fatty and salty food items. Instead, I recommend fresh fruit and plenty of water for rehydration. In truth, you may crave something to drink or to munch on, not because you are hungry, but because you are bored or tired and in dire need of some rest. Your typical snack food may seem to hit the spot for a moment, but because it has little or no nutritional value, it doesn’t give you much energy and rather bogs you down with empty calories.
The best break of all, of course, is a good night’s rest.
Chronic sleep deprivation and disrupted sleep patterns are among the leading causes for stress. If you can’t get enough repose during the night, you can make up for it with an afternoon nap. If that is out of the question (as it is for most people), you must make more sleep time available on weekends or as soon as possible. Observing and maintaining good sleep hygiene is still the best medicine we have to recover from our daily challenges. Take a short walk. If you are at work, take a bathroom break or get a glass of water. Do something that changes your focus. When you come back to the problem, chances are it will not seem nearly as insurmountable. |
How well do you manage your time? Even if you do not believe in getting things Done, you probably have a schedule, calendar and a couple lists of things to do. If you are particularly busy you might own a day-planner where you schedule in tasks and work to be done.
Now here is a better question: how well do you manage your energy? If you answered, “Huh?” to that question, that is not a good sign. While there may only be twenty four hours in the day, your capacity for energy is not a fixed quantity. Organization and time-management play an important role, but it will be your ability to manage energy that makes the difference.
Athletes understand that effective training comes from a combination of exercise and rest. By getting better control over your own energy cycles and capacity you can do far more for your productivity than writing a to-do list will.
Increasing Your Capacity
How do you train for a marathon? You start by running 5 km, move up to a 10 km, then a half marathon. In other words, it’s a gradual increase of your endurance. Your energy functions exactly the same way. You build increased energy capacity slowly through progressive training.
Physical, mental, emotional, and social are all different dimensions of energy. For all of these dimensions you should strive for increasing your endurance and your strength. Endurance is the ability to maintain energy levels for longer periods of time and strength is your ability to sustain a short burst of energy. Marathons and sprints.
Managing That Capacity
Increasing your capacity for energy may take time and effort, but it is relatively straightforward. The real key to productivity is being able to manage the energy you already have. You probably know athletic jocks or creative artists that don’t seem to get a lot done. Having a large capacity for energy is good, but just like time, it is an easy thing to waste.
You manage your energy in cycles that vary between work and rest. Your energy is like a muscle. You stress your muscles during a workout, and follow it with a period of rest so they can recover. Working constantly and resting constantly are both suboptimal. Balancing the cycles is the core of managing energy.
Here are some ways you can manage your energy cycles:
Effective time-management doesn’t give you more time. You still end up with a 24 hour day. But effective energy-management can create more energy. Properly training your capacity and working within energy cycles will increase your energy. Use both time and energy management to achieve peak productivity.
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